lørdag den 20. februar 2016

Painting the parkour place

This is going to be a couple of post dedicated to a side project of pimping up my local parkour place

The first step was to take some pictures to get a overview of the walls and the size.

After flattening the pictures, I drew out a rough sketch in photoshop and used is as an image plane in Maya to help me make a mockup of the scene to help guide the perspective. I tried to get in some Norman rigs to play around with the poses and have fun staging the characters

No quite done with the scene, but in a stage where I could export (screenshot and past) back into photoshop and get some linework going.
I'll post some more update as the project moves along. The final image will be projected back on the wall and painted. Final size will be something like 8x4 m

Final step of the painting. The final drawing, made in maya and photoshop,  was projected up on the wall and traced with paint. Big rollers and sponges to paint the white part and smaller brushes to paint the black lines. The painting ended up taking two days to make and we made into the local news paper. I found it to be a very nice way to make something big on the walls and still incorporate the workflow I'm used to with the computer